Alessandro Jedlowski

Alessandro Jedlowski is a media anthropologist. His recent research focuses mostly on African screen media industries (with a particular focus on Nigeria, Ethiopia and Côte d’Ivoire), on diasporic film production, and on South-South networks of mobility and cultural interaction. He currently co-chair the “African Diasporas” program of the African Studies research centre Les Afriques dans le monde (LAM) at the Bordeaux School of Political Sciences (Sciences Po Bordeaux). He is a member of the Advisory Board of the pan-African documentary film found DOC-A, and has experiences as consultant with international organizations and foundations, including UNESCO, Bertha Foundation and Ford Foundation. Among his most recent publications, he co-edited the special issues “African media industries and global capitalism” (Politique Africaine, 2019), and “Latin American telenovelas and African screen media : From reception to production” (Journal of African Cultural Studies, 2019), and the books Cine-Ethiopia: The History and Politics of Film in the Horn of Africa (Michigan State University Press, 2018) and Mobility between Africa, Asia and Latin America: Economic Networks and Cultural Interactions (Zed Books, 2017).