Call for Abstracts: Asia and Africa in Transition – ADI Conference and Workshop

The Asian Dynamic Initiative (ADI) are hosting a conference titled Asia and Africa in Transition at the University of Copenhagen from 21-23 October 2020.
The deadline for abstracts or full panel proposals is approaching (1 June 2020).
Proposals should be submitted via email to
For more information, please go to the conference website.
In connection with the conference, the group will hold an intensive workshop for a limited number of PhD students on Monday and Tuesday, 19 and 20 October 2020.
The aim of this PhD workshop is to bring together promising doctoral students from a broad range of disciplines focusing on a diverse range of Asia related topics, including but not limited to the themes of the conference itself. Organisers especially encourage PhD students from the Nordic region to apply.
The students present their research proposal or a key chapter from their thesis to all other participants. A panel of senior scholars will provide constructive feedback on the submissions.
- Duncan McCargo, Director, NIAS – Nordic Institute of Asian Studies, Professor of Political Science, University of Copenhagen
- May Tan-Mullins, Professor, The University of Nottingham Ningbo, China
- More TBA
- 31 July: Deadline for submitting application
- 15 August: Notification of acceptance by organising committee
- 1 October: Deadline for submitting paper