Launch Event For DECOLONIAL SUBVERSIONS Moves Online
In response to the Covid-19 outbreak, the launch for SOAS’s new publishing platform Decolonial Subversions will now take place online. Livestream and videoconferencing tools will broadcast the event on March 30th 2020 at midday. The platform welcomes everyone to tweet questions and comments via the hashtag #decolonise or towards the Twitter account @_decolonise.
12:00-12:30: Introductions and background by founding editors and official launch of webpage with content and contributions live.
Speakers: Dr Romina Istratii & Monika Hirmer
12:30-13:00: Testimonies by international partners about working with Decolonial Subversions and vision for the future and how they see Decolonial Subversions fitting within their local contexts and their areas of expertise.
Speakers: Nirbhay Sen, Dr Suyash Barve, Elias Gebrselassie
13:00-13:30: A panel of international academics and researchers to discuss issues around language and publication barriers in research and knowledge diffusion, and how an initiative like Decolonial Subversions can contribute to efforts of decolonising higher education.
Speakers: Prof Alex Kanyimba, Dr Márton Demeter, Dr Michael Thomas
You may register here and watch the livestream here.
On a related note, the group’s monthly seminar on capacity building as part of the SOAS-Oxford Research for Development lunchtime series has been cancelled for obvious reasons. However, Maru Mormina, Alex Lewis and Romina Istratii are currently exploring how the group can continue to deliver information via livestream and still generate vibrant conversations and mutual forms of learning.
Thank you for your patience, and we hope that everyone stays safe. Please continue to check frequently the series page for updates:
Photos by Lauren Mancke and Kari Shea on Unsplash