Kate Taylor-Jones
- Senior Researcher

My research is highly interdisciplinary and draws on a variety of fields including film studies, history, gender and sexuality studies, media studies, visual culture and critical theory. I have a longstanding record of external engagement – working with film festivals, distributors, schools and diverse audiences on the topic of East Asian cinema and culture. I have an ongoing passion for the study of the role the colonial and postcolonial moment plays in East Asian cinema. I have recently finished a collaborative project with Dr Wikanda Promkhuntong at University of Mahidol, Thailand. Our project explored the socio-cultural ramifications of South East Asian film fan tourism and the role that colonial nostalgia can play in the promotion of certain sites and activities on the tourism map. I am the co-editor of International Cinema and the Girl (Palgrave Macmillan, 2015) and Prostitution and Sex Work in Global Cinema: New Takes on Fallen Women (Palgrave Macmillan, 2017) and have published widely in a variety of fields. My last monograph Divine Work: Japanese Colonial Cinema and its Legacy was published by Bloomsbury Press in 2017 and I am editor-in-chief of The East Asian Journal of Popular Culture. My current project – Ninagawa Mika, Miyake Kyoto and Ando Momoko: Shōjo Dreams and Unruly Idols will be published by Edinburgh University Press. I joined the University of Sheffield in September 2015 and I am currently Professor of East Asian Cinema and Head of School.