Applying a Decolonial Lens to Research Structures, Norms and Practices in Higher Education Institutions: September Report 2019

This report summarises a recent conversation event that was held at SOAS University of London on 18th September 2019 to discuss research practices in higher education institutions from a decolonial point of view.
The event emerged from concerns about the changing funding landscape in recent years, and the role of research offices in research development practices, especially in relation to emerging schemes that fund research related to UK Official Development Assistance (ODA).
It aimed to bridge on-going efforts to diversify university curricula and decolonise knowledge production in British and other western universities with research development structures and norms as propagated by research offices and researchers, which had previously received little attention.
Click here to download the report.
Written by: Dr Romina Istratii and Dr Alex Lewis
Minute-taker: Dr Maya Goodfellow